So, the other day the Farmer Dude that cuts our back field showed up.
There is really no call before, you just look out back and a big ole green tractor is cutting the hay.
Can you see the hay there in nice little strips all laid down?
Farmer dude will then come by for a few more days and fluff it with a special attachment on his tractor so it all dries.
It also means it's very hot and dry too when they start cutting.
And boy was it ever hot and dry here for a couple of days straight.
I thought my brain was gunna boil!!!
My sis in law from South Africa I mean South Carolina I mean North Carolina texted me and said, WHAT HEAT ADVISORY for Potsdam NY?
I texted her back and said I was working nude.
Honestly, no not working nude, but our houses really aren't built for heat.
We build them to HOLD the heat in the winter, which means they also hold the heat in the summer.
OK, so I may have been working semi nude when the UPS guy showed up. Just wearing a bra (AND SHORTS THANK YOU VERY MUCH), which covers more than a bikini top when I hear KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK.
The dogs of course then start their barking. Fat lot of good that does. I have no warning.
Smart girl I am, I do not freeze, I yell ummmmmmmholdon!!! And run for the stairs which are in a direct line of the open door that the UPS dude was standing at.
I think I gave the guy a heart attack as he threw my package on the deck and I heard stones flying on his way out the driveway...
Thankfully, the heat wave has passed and the hay is all rolled into these lovely shapes.