Tuesday, September 4, 2012

New Socks

So it is a week of sore arms, big news and new socks.

My arms are sore due to all my painting. WHICH is still ongoing because SOMEONE dropped the spray gun and broke the canister. Thankfully Amazon is sending a new one which was due to arrive today but did not. Basically if I am not painting myself, I am breaking things. THE MAN did not freak out. THIS is a good thing.

My other much bigger news is that I am going to Peru for a week late September as in South America Peru.

So, have been back to school shopping FOR MYSELF.

New jeans, new hiking sneakers, power inverter, notebook...and new socks.

Fun stuff.

Took a little snappy shot of all my goodies and made me a pre trip page!

HELEN & her Creative Scrappers post twisted my sore arm all the way from South Africa to play along with this sketch.

You will have to suffer with a serious lack of good close up photos.

Our Sweet Isaac Hurricane has finally hit NY and it's raining raining raining. You can almost SEE the grass get greener. We are not upset though, 'cause everything was super dry.

Little close up of my flowers..orange ones are from Helen ages and ages ago, and of course, a Lizzy Rose.

AND, Happy Hump Day!!! 


  1. Look out LIMA!!!! Nah, just kidding. What a wonderful, wonderful opportunity. So, I take it you're starting to jog every day for a couple of hours to get that fitness kicking in???!!! Poor spray gun! I know you had 'difficulties' with it...but that was a bit mean to break it:):):) LOVE this LO. New fave, new fave. LOVE those colours & the whole thing. Great!!!

  2. There is a lot happenin' in this layout, looks fabulous, and way to go for your trip.. have a great time.. and forget the painting while you are away!

  3. Wow! Going tp Peru...how neat is that! And buying new stuff...gotta love it!
    Sorry to hear about the spray can...the replacement will be there before you know it!
    Fabulous lo...so much beauty to look at! Yeah!

  4. Yay! Thanks so much for playing along with Creative Scrappers! I agree that sketch was simply irresistible. So exciting going to Peru - you lucky fish you - you must give me more details privately - all sounds very exciting - what is a power inverter? A plug adaptor? What do you have there? In Zimbabwe it was all square pins & holes now here it is all round so we had to change everything!

  5. Other than the obviously amazing and gorgeous scenery, is there some 'gold mine' of flea market or thrift shop you're not telling us about, hidden there in Peru? I'm already giddy just waiting for pictures. HURRY UP and pack MORE!! Oh btw...groovy new socks and what a motivational and inspiring LO. Does this hang above your desk?

  6. Loving the LO..and a trip to Peru?! WOW!
    Alison xx


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