Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Lost in a Book for Another Freaking Scrappy Challenge
oh SNEAKY November is almost over. I know better than to wait on some of these fun challenges! Another Freaking Scrappy Challenge is having a challenge that involves scrapping your favorite book. I LOVED this idea. I hoard books. In fact when we moved, I decided I needed less books and it was rather painful. Now, I have all my most favorite ones saved away in a glass cabinet. This one is top of my list of favorites.
I can't even tell you how many times I have read this book.
A little bit of Glitz Design paper called Beautiful Dreamer, some crinkly ribbon, and those birds! Let me tell you about those birds. The other day we were driving through a small town and my parents wanted to stop at a bulk foods Amish store. WELL, they had these books of "German Stickers" that had these glossy embossed images of roses, butterflies, and birds. They were adorable. Although, I must admit I haven't used any until now. Love them!
And, Heather has asked about the rest of my story regarding the Christmas Tree stand that ended up in my front lawn.....
Tomorrow. It will have to be tomorrow.
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Owl House Rehab and free advice
So, I am one of those people who has to do Christmas in bits and pieces. Any more and my brain explodes and the Christmas tree stand ends up in the front lawn. THAT is a story for another day though.
Anyhow, I had an article to share with you that I thought was very useful in taming holiday stress. Since Better Homes and Gardens sent me their magazine even though I opted out electronically when they asked if I minded a free subscription, I feel like I can share it with you and not even feel bad! Yes, I ripped out the pages to scan them. It was free!
Hopefully you can see the article better by clicking on it.
Anyhow, I direct your attention specifically to the Take a Break from Facebook highlighted section. I just want to take a minute here and assure you that I believe in truth in blogging and Facebook. Nobody's life is perfect. In fact, I am struggling with what to wear to the Christmas Party I'm going to this weekend. The dress I got from Victoria Secret makes me look like a blue velvet sausage. At least my husband did not actually laugh out loud when I modeled it. He choked and said it wasn't my style. And, why did I let him see it? Just in case I needed help escaping it without ripping it. Ever get trapped in a dress in a small little fitting room? See my point?
Anyhow on to something crafty!
Anyhow, I had an article to share with you that I thought was very useful in taming holiday stress. Since Better Homes and Gardens sent me their magazine even though I opted out electronically when they asked if I minded a free subscription, I feel like I can share it with you and not even feel bad! Yes, I ripped out the pages to scan them. It was free!
Hopefully you can see the article better by clicking on it.
Anyhow, I direct your attention specifically to the Take a Break from Facebook highlighted section. I just want to take a minute here and assure you that I believe in truth in blogging and Facebook. Nobody's life is perfect. In fact, I am struggling with what to wear to the Christmas Party I'm going to this weekend. The dress I got from Victoria Secret makes me look like a blue velvet sausage. At least my husband did not actually laugh out loud when I modeled it. He choked and said it wasn't my style. And, why did I let him see it? Just in case I needed help escaping it without ripping it. Ever get trapped in a dress in a small little fitting room? See my point?
Anyhow on to something crafty!
So, the other day my friend Lisa and I hit the stalls. That is our code word for North Country Neighbors which is basically an indoor flea market type place that sells antiques and other things. You never know when you will leave with something super cool or nothing at all. That is half the charm. The other half is seeing things you had when you were a kid that are now "antiques" and you can snort.
That day I found this very sad little house with a metal roof. I am horrified to report I paid $4 for it!! I know, seriously! But, it was so ugly I had to fix it. Here is my new version! Anything can be repainted with gesso! Add a wee bit of glimmermist, ink, and flowers, you are golden!
My daughter suggested the owl. The person this gift is going to for Christmas is rather fond of owls and is also an Art major so I really had to give it some fun stuff. I used up my hot pink cheese cloth and placed my little owl in a nest. I am not sure if owls nest or not, but I am very sure owls don't have pink flowery eyes either, so we're going to run with this a bit.
Monday, November 28, 2011
Technology Addict: Scrapfit & The Color Room Challenge Page

See, here is the trouble. Regardless of what is stored IN my huge cupboard, I really can't buy anything too different because of what is on TOP of my cupboard. It's the perfect resting spot for various printers, scanners, and my Silhouette. That isn't even taking into account the desk next to it that has a laptop and desktop pc and the little side table that has at least three cameras in it. So, the hubby that works in the Information Technology field (which is a big fancy name for taking care of people's computers) calls ME a nerd. I know, the nerve.
So, I decided to keep on loving all of them equally.
I also decided I wanted to pair up this photo my daughter took of me with the latest color challenge at The Color Room. It is a lovely challenge. I am in LOVE with that Sunflower color lately. And how can you go wrong with Raspberry. My only regret is the bit of blue in the photo. I was playing around with my photo and wanted just a bit of color so it didn't take away from the color challenge. BUT, then, I also feel like it draws your eye into that photo a bit too, so I guess I'm good with it.
I also made a bit of gauze into a wasn't hard, just gathered it together with a needle and added some little flower stamens to it. I think I'll be making more flowers in the future with gauze. And, loved tying a bit on my page! That was super simple. I just wanted something more in that corner and had already put the hot glue gun away.
Big thanks to Shirley for that eye lash ribbon. I am in LOVE with that!
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Story on Sunday: Tongue Tied by Bruce Mero (aka, my Dad)
It had snowed during the night, copiously, and as I ate
breakfast, I could hear the sounds of Grandpa Curt and his Willies Jeep,
plowing snow out of the driveway.
Before my Cheerios were finished, Grandpa came through the
back door, stamped snow from his overshoes and took off his coat. “There’s a lot of snow on the ground,” he
said. “The City plows have not been here
yet and the street is still full. I’d be
surprised if school wasn’t cancelled.”
My sister and I looked at each other, wide-eyed, and then at
my mom.
"I hate to give you the bad news,” she said, “But there
is nothing on the radio about school being cancelled, so you’d better get ready
to go.”
Minutes later, we were out the door. Seneca Street School was about one half mile
from our house. We walked there and back
every day, sister Caryl to the fourth grade and me to the sixth. As soon as we had left the part of the
driveway Grandpa Curt had plowed, we plunged into knee deep snow and some
waist-deep drifts. Neither street or
sidewalk plow had made it to our street.
We had only reached the second house from ours when Mrs. Woodhouse stuck
her head out of her front door and told us that she had just heard that school
was closed.
We ran back home and burst into the kitchen with the
news. Grandpa was still eating his
He looked over his coffee cup and said, “You can help me
this morning, boy. It might help keep
you out of your mother’s hair.”
I quickly changed out of my school clothes and got ready to
go with Grandpa Curt, when the telephone rang.
It was my classmate and closest friend, Ramsey. He wanted to know if I’d heard the news about
school being cancelled and did I want to go sledding? With an air of importance, I told him that I
had to help my Grandpa this morning, but when I was finished work, I could go
sledding with him. I said that I’d come
to his house later.
Helping Grandpa Curt mainly consisted of riding shotgun in
the Jeep while he plowed out all of the neighbors. All the neighbors, that is,
except Mr. Mazzullo. Grandpa Curt was
mad at Mr. Mazzullo because his dog had barked late into the night and kept
Grandpa awake. He had called Mr.
Mazzullo at two-thirty in the morning to tell him that his dog was barking and
keeping him awake and that Mr. Mazzullo might as well be awake too. Mr.
Mazzullo had said something nasty to Grandpa that Grandpa didn’t like and then
he hung up. The dog had barked until
morning. Mr. Mazzullo's driveway didn’t
get cleared.
Riding in the Jeep was fun at first, but soon I was
bored. Grandpa Curt let me run the
controls for the plow once in a while, but that got old, also. Sensing this,
Grandpa finished his last driveway in the neighborhood, then headed the Jeep
for downtown. Sayles Street was clogged
with snow, but the Jeep had no trouble busting through the drifts. Lenox Avenue had been plowed, as had the main
streets downtown. We stopped at a diner
Grandpa called Trigger’s. Coffee at
Trigger’s was part of Grandpa’s morning routine. He had introduced me as his
assistant to the people in Trigger's when we arrived. I drank hot cocoa and ate
a sugar donut while he chatted with several of his friends. From Trigger’s we went to Mr. Boucher’s cigar
store on Madison Street, where Grandpa bought a couple of fat cigars and a box
of White Owls. He gave me two nickels to
buy penny candy.
“Get something for your sister also,” he instructed.
After plowing out the parking lot at the Presbyterian
Church, we headed back home. He drove
into the yard and backed the Jeep in its usual spot. He thanked me for all of
my help and then he went into his shop.
I knew that I was done helping Grandpa and that I had been dismissed,
however I followed him inside and asked if I could get my sled out of his
"You know where it is," he said.
Grandpa Curt’s cellar was a spooky place, a labyrinth of
chambers under his shop. There he stored stacks of lumber, all kinds of steel
pieces, barrels of nails and bolts and nuts and washers, spools of wire,
hardware, tools, welding tanks, boxes of stuff and a whole lot more. Single light bulbs barely lit each room and
shadows darkened the corners. I hurried
and found my sled and dragged it up the stairs into the shop. Grandpa Curt was talking on the telephone at
the top of the stairs and wouldn’t let me pass until he was finished
talking. He then took my sled and looked
it over.
“The runners are
rusty, boy,” he noted. “Let me clean
some of that stuff off.”
He took the sled to a grinder before I could say anything
and sparks started flying. He was done
in two minutes, and handed me back the sled. All of the old paint and rust had
been removed from the two runners. They were shiny and the edges were
“Be careful with this,” he said. “Now go.” He pointed to the
door. “Remember, don’t put your tongue
on cold steel, you’ll stick to it.” I
smiled at this last warning. I knew what
he meant. He had taught me that lesson
I learned early in life that Grandpa Curt had a short
attention span with kids. His second
dismissal of me signaled he had other things to do that morning and he wanted
to get on with it. I left the shop after
thanking him for the Jeep ride and the hot cocoa and the donut and the candy,
and headed up the street toward Ramsey’s house.
The City plow still had not been on Sayles Street, so the
walk up the hill was slow. My sled was
heavy. It really didn’t work well in
deep snow. Runner sleds were best on
packed snow and ice. With the deep snow
and the burden of the sled, it took longer than it should have to reach the
State Highway at the top of Sayles Street.
Once there, the walk was quick.
Route 5 had been plowed. The
walking was easy now with the sled almost weightless as the shiny runners
glided upon on the hard snow on the shoulder of the road.
Ramsey was ready to go as soon as I arrived. His plan was to go to the Oneida Country Club
and sled on the hills. He thought that
the snow was probably too deep for runner sleds, so we each took aluminum
saucers to use also. The golf course was
down hill from Ramsey’s house, so we rode our sleds along the shoulder of the
road, saucers clattering behind. My sled
was fast, really fast. I was a quarter
mile in front of Ramsey when I reached the entrance road to the Country Club, a
point noted by my friend when he finally caught up with me.
The golf course was swarming with kids sliding on the
hills. Last night’s snowfall may have
caused the cancellation of school, but it was no deterrence to the hundred or
so who had come here to enjoy the day off.
I pushed off with my sled and sped down, then up the newly plowed
entrance road to the main parking lot. My sled carried me to the top on the
momentum I’d made coming off the highway.
Ramsey had to walk and drag his sled the last little way to the top.
Our runner sleds were of little use in the snow, so we slid
on the saucers and, later, on a borrowed toboggan until we were exhausted. By mid-afternoon the clouds had cleared, the
air was chilled with a stiff wind from the north. We were wet and cold and about to quit
sledding and go back to Ramsey’s place when we noticed kids coming up a service
road from the back side of the golf course dragging runner sleds. We met the group and asked where they had been
sledding. We were told that the service
road we were on was plowed up to the edge of a ravine. At the edge of the ravine, the service road
then dropped into the valley, very steeply, through the woods. In the summer, golf carts and mowers used the
road to access the back part of the golf course, but it was unused in the
winter. These kids had walked down into
the ravine and used the lower part of the service road to runner sled. According to them, the road was glare ice and
only a little snow had fallen on the ice because of the trees overhead. This sounded perfect, and we rode our sleds
down the service road to a great mound of snow where the snowplow had stopped.
“Holy cow,” said Ramsey.
He was looking down the road into the ravine in amazement. “No way I’m sledding down that, we’ll get
The road plunged precipitously from where we were
standing. Straight down, or so it
seemed, for a couple of hundred yards of straightaway, then it disappeared with
a sharp right hand turn. The side of the
ravine climbed sharply upwards on the right and dropped perilously on the
left. Tall evergreens hugged the
road. There was very little new snow,
only white ice and a slight powder.
Prudence dictated we check things out, so we walked our sleds down the
very edge of the road to the right curve.
Here the road straightened for another several hundred yards, just as
steep, then turned left. Through the
trees we could see the end of the road where it crossed the creek at the bottom
of the ravine. We walked down further,
toward the left curve. About half way
through the last curve we started to see runner sled tracks on the ice. This is where the kids we had talked to had
started to sled. We did the same. It was fantastic. It was fast.
My sled flew on the ice, grabbed the curve, skidded sideways slightly,
then shot down the straightaway to the bridge like a rocket. The opposite side of the creek was deep with
snow and I raced into the fresh snow and disappeared with a poof. I looked back to see Ramsey slide around the
curve, cross the bridge and disappear into the snow. He had gone about as far as the other
sledders had gone, judging by the tracks.
I’d slid a whole lot further.
Slick runners, I thought.
Energized, we did the slide another half-dozen times, each time gaining
confidence and each time sliding farther into the new snow.
Our next run down the hill was from mid-way up the middle
straightaway and it was lightning fast.
I plunged a hundred feet deeper into the new snow at the bottom than
before and jumped up with a shriek of exhilaration, just in time to see Ramsey
spin out on the curve and slide off his sled.
He and the sled parted and Ramsey slid on his backside almost to the
bridge. He also jumped up with a yell and watched his sled crash into the
“Let’s try it from the top,” Ramsey yelled. “Yeah!” was my enthusiastic response.
We climbed to the place at the top where Ramsey had first
said that we’d be killed if we tried to sled down the road, the place the
snowplow had stopped.
“I'm first,” exclaimed Ramsey. He ran a couple of paces, slammed his sled on
the ice and lay down on his sled. In a
flash he was speeding along the ice. His
old sled bounced along, skidding side to side toward the first turn. In a second he was out of sight around the
turn. I could still hear the clattering
of his sled runners on the ice. Several
more seconds passed, then a scream and the sound of his sled hitting something,
then silence. Several more seconds
passed then the sounds of laughing from beyond the curve. Ramsey had crashed, but he was all right.
“Get out of the way,” I yelped and I ran fast and jumped
onto my sled. Instantly I was rocketing
down the road, trees were a blur out of the corners of my eyes. I angled my sled for the inside of the first
curve and hit it perfectly. The
sharpened runners of my sled grabbed the ice as though they were ice skates and
I skidded only a little around the turn.
I accelerated and exited the curve in the center of the road. I picked up more speed as I bounced along the
middle straightaway. I looked down at the front of my sled fondly, as though it
were a part of me. It was beautiful. My
hands fit the steering handle as though they were custom designed. This was
wonderful. I’d never felt such a
feeling. Never before had I been moving
so fast on a sled. Skittering across the ice, time seemed to stand still. I looked to the next turn and thought that I
was steering toward a perfect entry into the turn. This was great. What a ride! What a fine job Grandpa Curt had
done with my sled. Then, inexplicably, I
put my face close to the sled and I put my tongue on the large metal rivet in
the center of the steering handle.
Instantly, of course, it stuck.
My tongue was frozen solidly to my sled.
I pulled, it hurt. It stayed
stuck. I looked up with my eyes and saw
Ramsey standing along the side of the road looking at me in astonishment,
knowing what I’d done. Whoosh, Ramsey
was gone in a flash. I looked forward
again and saw that the next curve was only seconds away. I tried to slow the sled by dragging my feet
behind the sled but this just made me wobble and miss my entry into the
curve. I hit the turn in the middle, not
the left side as planned and the sled started skidding to the right. I dragged my feet again to help steer and at
the same moment hit a bump. My body left
the sled. Most of it anyway. My tongue stayed attached. I came back down but only a part of me was
still on the sled. My hands were still
on the steering handle and my chest was partly on the sled. The rest of me was sliding on the ice. My
body was pivoting by my stuck tongue.
Another bounce and the sled hit the dirt on the side of the road. Sparks flew as the runners slid over rocks in
the dirt. With another bounce, I again left the sled, except for my frozen
tongue. I crashed back onto the sled
almost perfectly and seemed to gain some control of the speeding missile. I looked up to see that my exit from the
curve placed me on a course that would miss the bridge over the creek entirely,
but this I could not change in the few seconds I had before I hit the creek
bank in a blizzard of snow. The sled and
I went airborne and parted company. Each
cleared the creek, crashing in a great avalanche of fresh snow on the opposite
side. Neither was hurt. Well, the sled was fine. I, however, lost a
huge chunk off the tip of my tongue when the sled and I parted. I was bleeding profusely.
Ramsey came running over and said that that was the greatest
sled ride he’d ever seen. He had seen the whole thing and was so excited he’d
forgotten the large gash he put in his left ear when he flew off the road and
his sled and a pine tree collided. The
sled was broken onto bits and he'd left it at the base of the tree he'd hit. Ramsey had fallen off before the collision
and was mostly unhurt, except for his ear. He gave me a piece of ice from the
creek to suck on to stop the bleeding in my mouth. He held a piece on his ear.
Triumphantly, we ascended the hill and headed for home. I dragged my sled. Ramsey dragged the
saucers. We were bloody, cold, wet and
tired, but we were pleased. We had
conquered the hill.
What better way to spend a snow day?
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Halloween Party Pages for Marilyn
I really wasn't going to post anything today.

Got a note last night in my inbox from Marilyn who has been making daily trips to visit her hubby who is in the hospital. He is battling cancer and I guess he needs some help from the docs to get past this round of chemo. I know you don't know Marilyn (she is posing for me eating cotton candy above), but rest assured that if you did, your life would be richer. Joe, her hubby is the same. Just a great person all around.
In a strange world of how things just work out when we need a boost, she had gotten these two pages I sent to her yesterday. What she doesn't know, is that the day before I was at the post office at noon struggling to get it mailed. The lady at the register got my packages weighed and rang up, swiped my card, and immediately got this horrible look on her face. I think she would have said a few bad words if I hadn't been right there.
Post Office Lady: It's doing it, AGAIN.
Me: It's doing what? What is wrong?
Post Office Lady: The machine! It's got the HOUR GLASS again!
Me: Um. Do you want me to write a check? I can write one? No big deal.
Post Office Lady: Well, I don't know if this transaction will go through.
Meanwhile the angry line behind me is building up. I say angry because my story is WAY MORE INTERESTING that way. They weren't. For the most part, mean people don't live in the North County. Oh we have a few. Just not too many. People are typically way nice here.
I am begging her at this point to accept my apologies. I have been here a year and being nice has settled in with me. Not to mention that I am only AT the post office since one of the packages is going international. Typically I leave my post dude a little pile on my steps with a check made out to Post Master and the next day I have a receipt. I know. It's amazing. I love it. The country that is. Post dude isn't bad either. He is super nice, brings my packages to the door, and has a standing invitation to pick apples off our trees in the front.
So, finally she gives up in disgust since now both registers have gone all hour glassy and they are not able to take any money. She takes my check and I leave past the 10 or so people who have collected. I do maybe just feel a wee bit guilty since everyone else is out of luck until they reboot or do whatever it is to get things fixed. I feel like announcing to the mass that I didn't break the machines and I'm sorry, but instead I just hurry out with my head down. And, yesterday I got my receipt mailed to me. Incidentally, did you know if the post office mails YOU something, they don't have to pay postage?
My point here is that somehow she got that package overnight. I mean, I did send it priority, but I never expected her to get it yesterday. I also sent it because I felt like I should. You know, like an urge. I was supposed to see her over our holiday here, but now, it appears she will be at the hospital. I am glad I could send something to her to make her day a bit brighter.
AND, I noticed now I am posting this, that I used the same photo twice in my rush! No matter, I can easily swap out out the full sheet of photos. But, again, it's weird to me how much Joe is in my thoughts.
So, can you do me a favor today and keep my friend Marilyn and her hubby in your thoughts and prayers? I am sure that Thanksgiving is one of the holidays that Marilyn likes best as she is an amazing cook and gathers her family together to celebrate. I wish her strength to get through this. And, I also am praying she drives safely today. It is snowing/icing out. It's our first real winter weather. Kiss your hubby while you are at it and give him a hug. I know I take good health for granted and also the people I love most.
God Bless.
Got a note last night in my inbox from Marilyn who has been making daily trips to visit her hubby who is in the hospital. He is battling cancer and I guess he needs some help from the docs to get past this round of chemo. I know you don't know Marilyn (she is posing for me eating cotton candy above), but rest assured that if you did, your life would be richer. Joe, her hubby is the same. Just a great person all around.
In a strange world of how things just work out when we need a boost, she had gotten these two pages I sent to her yesterday. What she doesn't know, is that the day before I was at the post office at noon struggling to get it mailed. The lady at the register got my packages weighed and rang up, swiped my card, and immediately got this horrible look on her face. I think she would have said a few bad words if I hadn't been right there.
Post Office Lady: It's doing it, AGAIN.
Me: It's doing what? What is wrong?
Post Office Lady: The machine! It's got the HOUR GLASS again!
Me: Um. Do you want me to write a check? I can write one? No big deal.
Post Office Lady: Well, I don't know if this transaction will go through.
Meanwhile the angry line behind me is building up. I say angry because my story is WAY MORE INTERESTING that way. They weren't. For the most part, mean people don't live in the North County. Oh we have a few. Just not too many. People are typically way nice here.
I am begging her at this point to accept my apologies. I have been here a year and being nice has settled in with me. Not to mention that I am only AT the post office since one of the packages is going international. Typically I leave my post dude a little pile on my steps with a check made out to Post Master and the next day I have a receipt. I know. It's amazing. I love it. The country that is. Post dude isn't bad either. He is super nice, brings my packages to the door, and has a standing invitation to pick apples off our trees in the front.
So, finally she gives up in disgust since now both registers have gone all hour glassy and they are not able to take any money. She takes my check and I leave past the 10 or so people who have collected. I do maybe just feel a wee bit guilty since everyone else is out of luck until they reboot or do whatever it is to get things fixed. I feel like announcing to the mass that I didn't break the machines and I'm sorry, but instead I just hurry out with my head down. And, yesterday I got my receipt mailed to me. Incidentally, did you know if the post office mails YOU something, they don't have to pay postage?
My point here is that somehow she got that package overnight. I mean, I did send it priority, but I never expected her to get it yesterday. I also sent it because I felt like I should. You know, like an urge. I was supposed to see her over our holiday here, but now, it appears she will be at the hospital. I am glad I could send something to her to make her day a bit brighter.
AND, I noticed now I am posting this, that I used the same photo twice in my rush! No matter, I can easily swap out out the full sheet of photos. But, again, it's weird to me how much Joe is in my thoughts.
So, can you do me a favor today and keep my friend Marilyn and her hubby in your thoughts and prayers? I am sure that Thanksgiving is one of the holidays that Marilyn likes best as she is an amazing cook and gathers her family together to celebrate. I wish her strength to get through this. And, I also am praying she drives safely today. It is snowing/icing out. It's our first real winter weather. Kiss your hubby while you are at it and give him a hug. I know I take good health for granted and also the people I love most.
God Bless.
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Thank You Cards & a Vote
Just a few Thankgiving type themed cards for today. I'm gearing up for some major crafting towards the end of the week after my belly digests all that turkey! But, I will probably not post for a few days since I'll be hanging with the family. Plus, tomorrow I go in to bake mode. I have committed to an apple pie with apples off our trees, a banana pudding which is a staple at the Pratt feasts, AND, some kind of cupcakes.
And I was wondering if I could get you guys following my blog to do me a BIG favor. I got an e-mail the other day from my friend Teri asking me to vote for Woman of Worth, in particular a friend of theirs, Gretchen who raises money for Pediatric Cancer after losing their son to the horrible disease. Please see below where I have posted her e-mail and the links. Please hurry, the voting closes tomorrow. Thanks!
![]() |
I come to you asking a favor.
Recently I found out I've been named one of L'Oreal's 2011 Women of Worth
for the work Cookies for Kids' Cancer does on behalf of fighting pediatric
cancer. There are 10 winners who were chosen from more than 2,100 nominated
women. As a winner, Cookies for Kids' Cancer ( will receive
But there's a second part of the contest. There is a $25,000 pot
available to one of the 10 winners who receives the most votes in an online
competition. The voting, which is super easy and
literally takes a few seconds, started on Monday, November 7th and
continues until next
Wednesday, November 23rd. To vote, click here and enter your email address. Each email address can
only vote one time, so we are trying to spread the word far and wide.The
winner is announced on 12/8 at an awards ceremony.
In the world of pediatric cancer, $25,000 goes a long way and
we can put that money to very good use. In addition to voting, would you be
willing to share this link with your friends, co-workers, and family to
help us win $25,000 to continue going after the disease that took our
precious son Liam as well as too many other beloved sons and
Larry, Ella and I miss him so, so much. Every day without him
is a day of profound loss. I can't even express in words the heartache we
shoulder as we try to carry on without him. It's something that certainly
hasn't gotten any easier in the nine months since he left us. But we continue
the fight against the disease that takes the lives of more children than any
other every year because it's what Liam would want. He'd want us all to work
together to make it better for others.
Many Humble
Thanks and Love Like Liam.
Monday, November 21, 2011
Helen at Scrap Addict
is experiencing Bloggerism in the worst sort of way! They have taken away her Google Account! She is working on determining the scoop, but 'til she gets it straight, we will be Helen less. I can only imagine what she is going through!
Rolled Flower Tutorial & Pumpkins for Lisa
So a while back my friend Lisa sends her crew over to help my hubby install a boiler. She is a small business owner and does these kinds of things. Anyhow, the end result is now a fully heated garage which I for good reasons covet for spray paint projects. Yeah, the chances of me winning on this front are not likely. I hinted that a wee bit of work space might be nice and got the LOOK.
So, life being life, we finally got Lisa and her hubby over for an evening and decided to hang in the garage a bit. Well, it is heated and away from the kids, so we could be adults for a few minutes! Not to mention he has the comforts of home out there so we could stream Pandora without getting the face we get from the 11 year old when we listen to classic rock.
Plus, Lisa brought over her collection of foam pumpkins and we got the bright idea of spraying them various colors and using glitter. The first part wasn't the problem. The second part was that we added wine coolers to the mix. I am bad spray painter on a good day. And glitter? It was a bad scene. In fact, so bad I didn't even take before photos. The garage looked pretty bad too and you know how guys are about glitter. Mine endures the occasional sparkle he ends up wearing from close contact with my projects. It is so difficult to take him seriously when he is sparkling!
So, the only before picture you will be getting is the innocent orange pumpkin at the end that was spared spray paint, modge podge, tissue paper, glitter, and also cheese cloth. My finished product make me so much happier! But the before looked like poor little pumpkin zombies.
After spray painting them both white with an added bit of glimmermist and burgundy alcohol ink I was pleased with the clean slate but still a wee bit nervous..I love the texture that the cheese cloth gave it, but was unsure how it was all going to work out for me.
BUT, flowers always help out with more bits of cheese cloth, berries, and burlap! Not to mention black sparkly letters! My rolled flower made me super happy. Lisa had cut off the stem on one and I was trying to cover that up. And a huge rolled flower did just the trick!
I also wanted to do a brief tutorial on these rolled flowers. I got my book print one from The Mad Recycler. In fact, I got six from her and still totally respect the fact that these take a bit to do! So much so, I'd totally buy more and probably will when I see her at the next craft fair. Hers is more dainty than mine and I guess I'd suggest using a paper that is thinner for easier rolling. However, paper with two different patters IS really nice.
So, you will need two sets of squares to make a flower. Mine were 2 inches on the bottom and 1.5 inches on the top layer. I made 11 rolled up cones for the bottom and 9 of the smaller sized squares for the top. I simply adhered mine using a standard tape runner in the cone shape.
Now comes the hard part where you wish you had an extra hand. I arranged mine in a circle in a puddle of hot glue on a cut scallop. As you can see, mine isn't perfectly symmetrical.
So, you will need two sets of squares to make a flower. Mine were 2 inches on the bottom and 1.5 inches on the top layer. I made 11 rolled up cones for the bottom and 9 of the smaller sized squares for the top. I simply adhered mine using a standard tape runner in the cone shape.
Now comes the hard part where you wish you had an extra hand. I arranged mine in a circle in a puddle of hot glue on a cut scallop. As you can see, mine isn't perfectly symmetrical.
For a first time flower, I was pretty pleased. I can see how you could alter this flower for a hanging Christmas ornament and have it be quite lovely! I would just downsize the size of the squares. I also like how the book paper flattened out so the middle of the flower was depressed. I'd suggest maybe smooshing that section of the tube before the hot glue step!
Anyhow, as always, let me know if you have any questions!
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Sunday Stories
I ran across a blog this weekend that was telling a story about a teddy bear that her brother owned and I was captivated. It was a normal scrappy blog during the rest of the month, but one Sunday a month it turned into a story telling time.
I thought it was a lovely idea and maybe it would inspire me to get some of the amazing stories my Dad has written into cyber space! Someday I'd like to take each story and load them into a publishing program and get a whole book made. Perhaps, by blogging these 2012 will be that year. If I think I can swing the time, perhaps I'll get little Grandma in the mix and see if she can provide photos that will aid with illustrating. Or perhaps they will be just recorded here for me!
Anyhow, here is the story for today. It's one I specially requested that corresponds with something that my son was exploring the other day with his Dad. They made a home made potato gun and had raided my spuds. They have further plans though and I can only be glad they are doing these projects together.
Rocket Man
I thought it was a lovely idea and maybe it would inspire me to get some of the amazing stories my Dad has written into cyber space! Someday I'd like to take each story and load them into a publishing program and get a whole book made. Perhaps, by blogging these 2012 will be that year. If I think I can swing the time, perhaps I'll get little Grandma in the mix and see if she can provide photos that will aid with illustrating. Or perhaps they will be just recorded here for me!
Anyhow, here is the story for today. It's one I specially requested that corresponds with something that my son was exploring the other day with his Dad. They made a home made potato gun and had raided my spuds. They have further plans though and I can only be glad they are doing these projects together.
Rocket Man
By Bruce H. Mero
It was in Mr. Leland’s seventh grade science class that my
adolescent interest in space exploration and particularly in rockets became
obsessive. It was the time of the first
American Astronauts, the first orbital missions and a growing space race
between America and the Soviet Union.
Each time a manned-rocket was launched from Cape Canaveral, the PA
system in our school carried the live radio broadcasts and we school kids
listened and I always imagined I was going along for the ride. I paid rapt attention to everything Mr.
Leland had to say about these first trips into space, especially when he
detailed in color chalk on the blackboard how rocket ships were constructed and
how solid and liquid fuels burned.
At the same time, four of my friends and I founded an
after-school Astronaut club and collected newspaper and magazine clippings of
everything to do with the planets, the moon and space ships. We plastered the walls of an attic room in
Craig Denning’s house with these clippings and talked endlessly about space
travel and we all made plans to become Astronauts some day. Billy Marks found an ad in a comic book and
talked his mother into buying a package of rocket motors and an ignition kit,
and complete directions for making and launching cardboard-tube rockets. We occupied hours making these rockets and
talked Mr. Leland into launching them on the school grounds, during school
hours with all three classes in the middle school allowed to attend each
launch. We of the Astronaut club took
turns setting the rockets on their launch pads and running the wire ignition
cord to the ignition switch. With each
rocket launch, one of us was selected as mission controller and directed the
set-up operation. Once the rocket was
readied, we waved to the crowd of gathered kids and swaggered back to the
launch control center and took up our positions. The school principal, a special teacher or a
special girlfriend then stepped forward and accompanied by a chorus of kids
loudly chanting the countdown: ten...nine...eight............three, flipped the switch and sent nine volts of electricity
surging through ignition wires, to the rocket motor which, most times, ignited
and sent our cardboard rockets skyward in a whoosh and cloud of smoke and wild
clapping from our schoolmates. We
repeated this exercise several times each Thursday in May, with Fridays
available in case of a rain delay, until the package of a dozen rocket motors
was gone. The five of us were school
heroes that spring, and we each vowed that we would get our parents to buy more
rocket motors and continue our launches after school let out for the summer in
Summer vacation started with daily gatherings of our club,
but our enthusiasm begin to wane as none of us was successful in talking our
parents into buying more rocket motors.
Family vacations began to take club members away for weeks at a time and
by mid-July we had disbanded, by default, for the summer.
My enthusiasm for rockets remained high, however. I had pestered my dad to buy rocket motors so
much that his responses to my solicitations were becoming dangerous and I
decided to take another approach to slake my appetite. I had taken meticulous notes during Mr.
Leland’s descriptions of rocket motors and decided to construct my own. I had heard that solid rocket fuel was
similar to the stuff that matches were made from and had determined that a
rocket motor made from match heads would perform the same as the store bought
ones I didn’t dare talk to my father about any longer. Coincidentally, I learned a bit about making
black powder from a friend, and had purchased a small can of saltpeter and
mixed it with ground charcoal, and carefully ground match heads and made a
substance which burned with enough vigor to set my tree house on fire.... but
that is another story. I now had rocket
fuel. I needed a good missile to put it
I had started spending my free time hanging around my
grandfather’s machine shop, which was located adjacent to the house, we were
living in. Grandpa Curt was a self-
employed machinist, an inventor and innovator.
I told of my idea to make a rocket from scratch, and after listening to
the research I had done on the subject, he agreed to let me use his shop to
build my rocket, provided I stayed out of his way. He found a piece of aluminum pipe, about a
foot long and an inch in diameter and set me up at an anvil, pounding one end
of the pipe into a point to make the rocket’s nose cone. Several times he looked at my project and
offered advice. After a couple of hours,
I had pounded the end of the pipe into a perfect nose cone. He helped me cut the nose cone off the pipe
on his band saw, and I set to work pounding on it again to make the cone fit
into the pipe, so it could be removed to fill the missile with fuel, then
reattached. This took another couple of
hours, but the resulting fit was perfect.
Half of my rocket was finished.
Grandpa Curt had limited patience with kids and at this point he had had
enough of me. My work in his shop was terminated for a couple of days. I used the time to prepare the solid fuel for
my rocket, carefully scraping match heads off the wooden parts of kitchen
matches and filling a mustard jar with the red and white powder. I burned sticks in the old cobblestone
fireplace next to Grandpa’s shop and ground the charcoal which resulted into
powder that I saved in a coffee can. I
had most of the saltpeter left, also.
A couple of days passed.
I had the ingredients for my rocket motor ready and it was time to
approach Grandpa again about finishing my missile. He agreed to let me work in his shop with the
same conditions as before, to stay out of his way. However, it wasn’t long before he had the
aluminum tube in his hands and had inserted and brazed a steel washer in the
bottom of the tube for the rocket motor’s exhaust gasses to exit the pipe. I
was ready, almost, to fuel the rocket, but I had to figure out a way to ignite
the motor. The ignition set-up we had
used to launch the rockets in school belonged to Billy Marks and he was away on
vacation until August. This was a
dilemma. I had no way to launch my
rocket until Billy got back from vacation and then I remembered a package of
firecrackers I had been given by my cousin Mike. I could use one of the fuses from a
firecracker to light my rocket. While
grandpa was occupied in the bathroom, I drilled a small hole near the base of
the missile for a fuse and I was in business.
Rocket fueling operations were conducted in my tree house. Carefully, I mixed the components together,
the match-head powder, the charcoal powder and the saltpeter, and I poured the
concoction into the missile tube. When
all of my ingredients had been used up, I had only filled the aluminum tube
about one-half full. I had more space in
my tube and could make a more powerful rocket, I thought, and decided to fill
the rest of the tube with match heads and the black powder from the
firecrackers cousin Mike had given me.
The fuel mixture for the second stage of my rocket filled the next three
inches in my tube. There was still
space. I was out of materials for more
fuel, and getting impatient to launch. I
had been working on this project for long enough. Frustrated, I stuffed Kleenex tissue into the
remaining space in the tube and then soaked the stuffing with cigarette lighter
fluid, and connected the nose cone. I
now had a three-stage rocket, much bigger and more powerful than anything we
had launched in seventh grade. I
inserted a firecracker fuse into the little hole at the base of the tube and I
was ready for launch.
I had decided earlier to use the cobblestone fireplace as my
launch pad, and had everything set to go, when I heard my Grandpa shuffle up
behind me and ask, “What are you doing, boy?”
“I’m going to launch my rocket, Grandpa. Do you want to watch?” Grandpa Curt looked over my rocket and launch
set-up. He asked me where I got my fuse
when I told him about the firecrackers my cousin Mike had given me. He suggested that the fuse needed to be a little
longer. I scrambled up the ladder to my
tree house and returned with a couple more, inch-long firecracker fuses. This was all that I had left from the package
of firecrackers I had emptied into the second stage of my rocket. The rest of the fuses had been stuffed in the
missile tube between the stage two match heads and black powder mix and the
stage three lighter fluid-soaked Kleenex wadding. Grandpa carefully twisted the fuses together,
forming a single strand about three inches long. He stepped back and looked things over, then
readjusted the rocket on the stand. He
was ready and took the pack of matches out of my hand. He had taken over my rocket launch, but I was
afraid to say anything to him, so I stepped back a few yards and watched him light
a match. I ceremoniously started a
countdown: ten...nine...he lit the fuse before I hit eight. It fizzled, smoked and then the sparks ran
quickly down the fuse. Grandpa took a
few steps back.
The aluminum tube shook and fell off of the launch platform.
There was a brilliant flash. The explosion that followed rocked the
neighborhood. Leaves from a nearby apple tree fluttered into the air and
hundreds of green apples fell to the ground.
Parts of my tree house thumped on the dirt at the base of its tree. Some
of the windows in Grandpa’s shop nearest to the fireplace shattered. My rocket
launcher had disappeared. The top third of the cobblestone fireplace lay on the
ground in a cloud of cement dust and ashes.
Every dog within a quarter mile was barking. My rocket was gone, and all around us shreds
of flaming Kleenex and smoking firecracker fuses rained down. Neither of us was hurt, fortunately. Grandpa Curt was still standing up but
rocking back and forth a little, smiling and shaking his head. I was on my back on the lawn. Some of the
chimney stones and cement dust had landed on me.
Grandpa Curt teetered over to where I had fallen and handed
me back my matches. He straightened his cap and said,
“It didn’t work,
boy,” he said as he shuffled away. We’ll work on a second version next week.
See if you can get any more of those firecrackers from your cousin Mike.”
Friday, November 18, 2011
Thanksgiving Reusable Placecards
First, I'd like to thank Maggie at Passionately Artistic for letting me be featured on her blog!
I have a fun project to share with you today! These are so simple and also reusable year to year. And, the same idea could be applied to other holidays with matching paper or a big dinner party.
I started with some heavier cardstock in kraft brown and cut out three of these scallops on my Big Shot using the Top Note die from Stampin' Up. If you don't have a die cutter, you can probably free hand a shape you like. I then carefully sprayed them with Krylon Chalk Board paint which is carried at our local Walmart.
Let them dry and spray on a second coat. Then, after they are completely dry, cut them in half. I made 6 placecards total, so this gave me the correct amount.
I also cut out heavier double sided cardstock in 4" by 5" that I folded in half. I then cut out a very small leaf shape so the color of the paper under would show through. I could then use the leaf I punched as a second on my placecard!
Attach the scallop to the folder paper, add some twin and voila! You have some cute little cards!
I plan on using mine in front of our dishes!
I also wanted to tell you about these awesome chalk board pens I found on Amazon. I have tried them and love them! See how "big" the word apple is on the first photo? This is a nice substitute for traditional chalk as these chisel tip markers give you a nice even line, plus, you miss out on all that chalk dust! They can be wiped off easily with a wet cloth.
Thanks and have a Happy Turkey Day!
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Half of a Whole
So, the first inspiration for this page was from The Color Room's Challenge #84. I loved the colors, but wasn't sure what page I wanted to make. So, I paired it up with the latest challenge out on Once Upon A....Sketch that requires that your page use their sketch and also the following:
Journaling criteria: This time the journaling criteria focuses on YOU as a woman OR ANY female in your life. What is the best thing about being a woman? Motherhood? Shopping? Make Up? Girls nights? Gossip? Your journalling can be as long as you wish and in any language, but you must journal at least 2 sentences on the best part of being a woman.
So, with a color challenge the intent is obviously to match the colors up. I can say, feel like I succeeded getting the right "tones" but failed miserably when I added my splashes of red. So, I am going to admit right here for you all to read that it was deliberate. My friend Kristy sent me the glittery sparkle scroll pieces, my page had that lovely red bodied dragon fly, and I wanted to incorporate a heart into the layout. I do LOVE how it turned out and I'm claiming that the splash of color in the flowers on the table made me do it!
I also hope I accomplished my goal with my journaling. I must admit I showed this page to THE MAN and he wrinkled up his nose.
Pratt: What exactly does Half of a whole mean?
Me: Did you read the journaling?
Pratt: I read the story, if THAT is what you mean.
Me: Well on a scrapbook page, it's called journaling.
Me: Well on a scrapbook page, it's called journaling.
Pratt: Well, in my world it would be the STORY.
Me: Well, I was going for the whole ying/yang thing, you know where two people who are married make a whole.....
His eye balls were crossed so I gave up. I left with the knowledge that my Woman Brain had caused his inferior man brain to stop working, retreating in a huff to Woman's World upstairs with my glitter and paper. Glue may have been a more appropriate title. Women are typically the one person who holds all the parts of a household together. Or at least, that is how it works here. I came home recently from a week long business trip and everyone was grouchy. I thought they would have been excited to see me. Nope, they were holding a grudge that I had gone at all. Evidently it had been a rough week.
Well, back to the page. I flipped the sketch and moved a few things around to get it to work. I really liked the Bo Bunny Back to Basics paper I used for my letters (yes, put the Silhouette to work) and Pink Paislee Dragonflies sheet was VERY awesome, perfect indeed. I'm fond of dragonflies. The flowers I made from a pattern I picked up a garage sale. They are super simple and always turn out happy crumpled.
The photo was one Marilyn took of Nate and I during our Halloween Party. I was getting picked on for something. I may have started it though. I have seen the technique lately that the photo gets recessed behind a pop dotted page and I am loving the idea. And I wanted it to look imperfect to match all my crinkled up cheese cloth that was dyed ages ago for Christmas cards that are still not finished. Guess I should get on those and stop playing around with challenges!!!
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Friendship's Road
A lovely package arrived just the other day from Marilyn. And interestingly enough, it was a 12 by 12 size. Oh, one of the best sizes!!
This is the little lovely that it contained! I love it!! From the beautiful resin rose to the hand dyed yarn loops to the very lovely leaves hanging down.....
I wanted to thank each and every one of you that follow my blog! And those bloggers out there that I have had the good fortune to stumble across and gain inspiration, a huge thank you from the bottom of my toes!
Thanks Marilyn for the great page! I will be finding a frame to I can hang this in my crafting room/office.
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Got Luck? 2011 School Photo Page
So, I scraplifted this page blatantly from Helen. I really liked her page (oreo cookie aside which I LOVE) where she framed out all the items in the middle. I also liked the fact she didn't use "Adore" which is the new Bird is the Word Challenge as a title but rather as an element. Do you see her little Tim Holtz Adore tag sticking out? And yes. There is the cute oreo too. Makes me hungry just looking at it.
My frame was cut out of a piece of Christmas paper I got the other day and is made by Bo Bunny (Tis the Season Chorus Die Cut). I used it as a frame and cut out the very obvious pretty snow flakes from the middle. There is still one peeping out on the bottom, did you see it the first time round? Haven't figured out if I will cover that or not. Maybe I won't. It IS getting ready to snow here! I also liked her middle portion of measuring tape and fancy frilly yellow paper. So, copied that too, down to a ribbon measuring tape I had.
Then, I had to deviate since I just wanted to use these two school photos. Plus, I WAS playing along with another challenge that wanted one of those cool rosettes, but now I can't remember where I read that. If anyone reading my blog knows, I'll link it up.
Oh and Tink if you are reading this, thanks again for those little butterflies! Used another!
I am blaming my recent memory loss on being a Mom. Some days are easier than others. Yesterday I just about lost it several times.
My apologies to both Lisas who have heard this story electronically and also Shirley who heard it via the phone!!
So, Sunday was Luke's Birthday. The closest school day to Sunday being Monday, that was when we decided the school treats would make their appearance.
Luke requested a cookie cake as he likes those best. So,
since we have to bring store items, I preorder two cakes at Walmart as he is
in a double classroom with 48 kids. I grab two cans of whip cream, plates and
the cakes from the bakery. I am already late since I wanted to get them to the
school around 10, but the work know. I am checking out and pause to
admire the pretty scrolly blue script on the first cake. It says Happy Birthday
Luck. OH crap. No way. The darn frosting is frozen, they would have to
PRY it off. There is no way both cakes are spelled wrong. Nope, they are both
Happy Birthday Luck.
So, my son is really easy going and I'm really late. They
do offer money off, but unless it is free, getting a refund will turn my hour
lunch into two. So, I don't get ugly, I use my manners, and say, he'll be OK.
Meanwhile the cashier is sobbing about how much she loved being in elementary
school when it was her birthday and how special this all is and I am begging
her to hurry.
So, then, I go to the school to drop off the cookie cakes. A mean troll works at the office at the
elementary school and lucky me, she is the one there covering lunch for the nice one. I explain to her the name
issue looking for solace, but she just hands me a tiny sheet of paper and a pen
so I can write Luke a note explaining to him that I'm LUCKY to have
him....yeah, I didn't think for one minute he would be fooled.
I hope that Luke's cool teacher used this as a teaching opportunity to remind the 3rd Graders how important spelling is. He was happy when he came in the door from school clutching the remnants of two cookie cakes right until I said, HI LUCK, glad you are home! I then got the EYE BALLS.
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