Monday, March 31, 2014

Passing Out Posies to Old Guys

A few weeks ago a co-worker of mine leveled a Lent Challenge. It's not normally my thing as I'm not that flavor of religion but I thought I could participate. It's been challenging & rewarding.  

(I also filled out basketball brackets for March Madness at work as well, so it's partially a "when in Rome" thing. More on that later! )

Last Monday I blogged about Secret Squirrel Flower Pot Sticks. These little glasses with their flower pot sticks got a batch of daffodils purchased from the local grocery store. 

To say it was dark, gray, and gloomy here this weekend was an understatement. 

It was miserable! Here is a photo of my daffodils. As you can see, in theory, they are waiting patiently under the snow and ice. 

Before I started my weekly shopping on Saturday I found people in the parking lot at the store and handed them a cup of daffodils. It was hard! I felt all kinds of weird!

Most of my targets were sitting in their cars waiting for their wives to emerge. 

One old dude gave me an eye ball, laughed, and said:  WELL. What exactly would you like me to tell my wife!? I giggled. He made me laugh and I all of a sudden felt a whole lot better and less wacko!

Hope you're having a fantastic Monday with a bit of bright and sunny!


  1. Wonder what his wife said back to him, I hope they got a smile from your RAK.

  2. Well, I think you're AMAZING...I've spent ALL DAY trying to restore photos & have only just caught up now...I THINK!!! I keep going back in then more seem to be missing.....I'm such an's a nightmare. Lost even the scheduled & ones posted on my DT blogs as well......I need you with your cheery daff bunches over here, I think!!! Anyways........I"m GLAD you're being Pollyanna!!!!

  3. Awe...That is so sweet! God will bless you for your thoughtfulness! :)

  4. LOL...I think the world should have more random acts of whacky kindness. I think it would be wonderful to be the recipient. I'm just grateful you didn't get tasered or look down a barrel! I'm certain you made their month!!


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