Monday, May 23, 2016

Memorandum Monday: Bugged by Bugs

Almost two years ago, North Country neighbor Bob said, you can't take boulders from here when you move. As I was half way through hatching a scheme where I could take boulders, his statement stopped me dead in my tracks. I then decided he meant I couldn't take a lot. I mean we had a trailer, a tractor, and boulders. What's a little trucking south when it comes to lovely granite boulders? Plus, I planned on using my puppy dog eyes with THE MAN.

And so I did. I smuggled four or five big rocks on our trailer all the while THE MAN complained. Then I stock piled them until this past weekend at which point they got installed in the little Japanese. garden. Which by the way looks quite lovely, in my opinion. So, yes Bob you can totally move big rocks!

This past weekend involved some crafting, running of kids, and then finally on Sunday some work in the gardens. We did fight the bugs the entire time who were intent on eating us. So when I spotted a recently hatched bunch of spiders, I cheered on their efforts and even sang them a little song about being champions. I hope they grow big and strong and eat a ton of black flies. I googled them. They are aptly called Argiope aurantia or Yellow Garden Spiders. I know, pretty creative.

There you have it! You just learned something new! Join all of us Memorandum Monday peeps over at Sian's From High in the Sky blog.


  1. Yellow Garden spiders eh? I hope you're now on the track to find the Green, Brown, Red and maybe PINK Garden Spiders, LOL!!! No, seriously. Your Japanese Garden is looking FABULOUS. LOVE it!!! And Bob, quite obv, was W-R-O-N-G!!!!!

  2. I certainly have! I've never seen so many spiders all in one place before.

    Hope you have a good week enjoying the view of your new garden space

  3. Boulders R the best...puppy dog eyes R great leverage...the garden looks fab!
    But yellow spiders? Rather exotic.

  4. Boulders R the best...puppy dog eyes R great leverage...the garden looks fab!
    But yellow spiders? Rather exotic.

  5. One more reason not to move to Murica. They would probably walk on my and I would be allergic and every spidery footstep would leave a raised red mark on my skin, just like the common garden spider does over here *sigh*

  6. I mean... I should have known... but I was so happy your story didn't end with squished! I mean.. I knew you wouldn't but there was a little suspense while I was reading :)... and OMG... Dogwood right? So beautiful as is the rest of your garden... so worth hauling the big rocks!

  7. and if you get to Montreal, the botanical garden there has a Japanese tea garden!..put this place on your TO visit list if you haven't been there! RV parks outside of city with shuttles in...


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