Friday, December 7, 2018

Christmas Chinese Take-Out Box for THE CUTTING CAFE

'Tis the season for happy little decorated boxes filled with cool things! Regina gifted us an assignment to use any of her Christmas files of which she has so many!!! I opted to use a file that can really be anything you dream it can be...the little Chinese take out box.

I really added a lot of pretty bling to match that paper! And check out that Yvonne Yam tassel! She also passed along that pretty pearl trim. The copper handle was all my own doing. I wanted something sturdy yet kinda rustic!

One of my favorite parts is that floppy snowflake! I found a bunch of them the other day and I wanted to use one right away! This little box is off to brighten someone's day. I haven't done a RAK in a VERY long time. I'll pass it along to the universe tomorrow when I'm off picking out a few treats for some dear family members!

Happy Friday!


  1. hum so if i was to assign say a apple for christmas, I BET YOU WOULD KNOCK THAT OUT THE your take on using one thing for it

  2. This is beautiful! What a fun and awesome unexpected gift someone is about to receive! Or was about yikes. I really am behind aren't I?!


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