Thursday, May 30, 2013
BLOOM Layout and some news!
Ever get inspired by pop tops? No? Really? I am the only crazy person who thinks yellow pop tops should be scrapbooked?
I had several of these larger sized cans to work with. This image doesn't show the yellow tops, but let me just tell you, they rock! I also wanted MORE metal since I was cutting up the can. Have yet another metal project in mind...and the twisted tea is not bad at all either! ;-)
The tops are there on the top right hand corner of my page and inspired the yellow paper with the contrasting purple.
In fact, used some of the rest of the soda can to make that flower as well. Long story short on the soda can, I was supposed to use one for the challenge I posted last Saturday, but ended up making a crazy winged clock instead.
The leaves are embossed aluminum tape and dyed with alcohol inks.
The flower was also cut with the Tim Holtz tattered die, added plaster in a pattern from a stencil and more alcohol ink. Of course a rusty bottle cap center....
Love up-cycling something New and Improved. Of course, add alcohol inks and it fixes anything! ;-)
Fits right in with my NEW GIG!
I'm off to hang with the PEEPS at LESSology as a Design Team Member!
You can read about it HERE. I cannot wait to show you my first project...which also involves metal...oh boy. Seems to be a theme here! Well, it's also up-cycled, but I suppose you might have guessed that.
oh and that crazy flower on my page? Was a Mother's Day present! I guess they have taken to dying these orchids, but wow, that is a freaky cool color! Hope she liked it!
Wednesday, May 29, 2013
Nearly Free Poinsettia Flowers
I know, what kind of crazy person makes Poinsettia flowers when it's nearly June?
Well, I was inspired as I'm working on a page about a special event that was very close to Christmas AND decided to make up a bunch more flowers while I was at it. At some point they will go on Christmas cards and I will be thankful I took the time to make them up!
They were nearly free, seeing how I used the plastic red part and greenery from the plastic doilies I bought. See my FUGLY post for more deets on that!
Loving those Prima flower centers I used. Of course, how can you go wrong with gold sequins?
Happy Hump Day!
AND, how do you like that silver oval dish I found at the second hand store. I have special things in store for that!
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
Artist Model Garden Fairy: LESSology Challenge
Found this little jointed wooden model in a store the other day on clearance. I had been wishing to create a little fairy for a very long time. I disliked the pretty new wood look though, so covered the entire thing with gesso and various sprays to grunge it up a bit!
Lucky for me, LESSology has a challenge up on their blog on working with material. I don't have a lot of actual fabric in my stash, but I do have some pretty doilies and handkerchiefs. Also found a doll at the second hand store (for a quarter!) who volunteered her dress. (Don't worry, the naked doll went over to the neighbor's house where Shirley will make her something summery to wear!)
Now, the real material that comes in large rolls at craft stores scares me. I think it's because the sewing machine and I have a bit of a love hate kind of thing going. So, I stuck with the no sew hot glue method.
I used alcohol inks to dye up the doily, handkerchief, and also doll dress.
I also reused some of the ribbon roses that were on the original dress and the flower hat.
My favorite part are the chippy wings that I glimmered up with some Pearl-Ex.
Like most of my projects, I'm never sure if I'm really done. I now think she needs hair although perhaps not a face. What do you think?
Oh! And the little pitcher in my photo? I found that at the second hand store. Says it's from Australia. ;-)
Happy Tuesday!
Saturday, May 25, 2013
Ruts, Cornflakes, and Wings
Ruts are bad things.
According to Wikipedia: The term stuck in a rut can be used figuratively to refer to a situation in which, as time progresses, the situation is unable to be changed or steered in a desired way.
Add that into your creativity and you'll be crying in your cornflakes. (Sorry it's breakfast time as I write this, might need to grab something to eat).
I have personally seen the inside of that rut and it's not pleasant. It's scary, dark and smells like the men's bathroom at a cheap gas station. Bad juju!
I believe Onion (aka Sue) and Quirks (aka Lisa) have also been down that same rut. So, wearing nose plugs they challenged each other to a challenge. My eye balls fell out when I saw their art work using FORKS. No, that is not a new crafty supply. When I say forks, I mean the kind you eat eggs with. (again my stomach grumbles!)
I of course jumped up and down and said ME ME ME, I wanna play too!
So, got forwarded the list of challenges.
And I present to you this week's challenge for playing with metal. Thank goodness they took the requirement of having to use a soda can out of the mix. I have soda cans cut out to use for something, but I'll post that later since that particular project will be taking a bit longer. Have to buy a box of band-aides too while I am at it...
I decided to alter a clock as time is one thing that helps with getting out of that creative rut. Sometimes you just need some time out of the studio in the sunshine to forget. The wings of course represent time flying when the creative mojo is flowing.
The wings are cut from my Silly Machine and were originally paper until I used some aluminum tape over top of the bottom layer and embossed. Of course also inked and glittered and sprayed and formed until my fingers were sticky.
I keep a roll of that handy in the craft supplies. LOVE IT.
The clock and the metal ring I used came from the second hand store. The ring was originally a brownish color and is supposed to frame out a hanging light. See it hiding under the feather earrings and ticky tacky Mexican pot? Yes, pay no attention to anything else in that pile of junk. ;-) THAT is for sure not another bird really it's not.
Another favorite part of this piece are the wooden swirls I added. Found those at the hardware store.

Fun times here!
This is FOR SURE the most energized I have in a long time. A challenge for the sake of a challenge!
I am counting down the minutes to see what Onion (aka Sue) and Quirks (aka Lisa) have made since we did not share our projects ahead of time...
Happy Weekend!
Thursday, May 23, 2013
Wall of Frames
I have slowly been trying to fill the hooks on my stocking holders. Yes I am aware Christmas is long over, but I keep these hangers out all year round. THE MAN gets grumpy about holes in the plaster. I had some pretty snowflake crystals hanging from them a while ago, but it was time for a change seeing how it's spring.
My latest creation is next to the unicorn.
Recently we were on our way to town in the rain when I spotted a piece of a telephone pole on the side of the road. It happened to be the piece with the metal number 53 and I insisted I needed it.
THE MAN knows it is difficult to fight crazy, so he just pulled over and said hurry.
I used it in the middle of my piece and painted it with some Ranger Patina so it would match with the rest of the frames.
I shared the other number with a cool blogger named Connie over at Crafty Goodies who collects the number 5. She in turn sent me some of the number 3s she had in her stash. That is my favorite number OF ALL TIME. Something about the shape maybe...
Here is the little pile of goodies I started with. I had ordered a trivet with some art work of my son had done, which was not cropped correctly, so I decided to use it instead of throwing it out.The doily came under some soup I ordered when we went out for supper and I snuck into my purse. Did not use the wood block, but I have plans for that too.
My favorite part of the whole project was using a rivet gun to attach my hangers. Hardware makes me happy and I for sure plan on using rivets again! Look how pretty they are with their little scraped up metal!
Hope you are having a great Thursday!
Wednesday, May 22, 2013
First Bloom Page Just Because
A while ago I was laying on my belly on our lawn with cell phone in hand.
Was capturing the daffodils in bloom on their level. I say a while ago since they have come and gone and we have since mowed several times. Loved the sun flare I got with the farm behind things in this particular photo.
I am one of the few crazy people I know who grow daffodils in her lawn. I thought they would look cool under the apple trees in full bloom, but they kinda miss each other a bit. Before I know it we are mowing and my blooms are hanging out in a vase in the house. Hence a photo or two and then a page.
And another photo for Lizzy Hill in Australia as I believe she shares my fondness for these blooms!
The journaling on my photo was inspired by a Crosby Still Nash and Young song. It reminded me of how I felt that moment on my belly with the grass tickling my nose. Ready to Carry On with Spring!
Here is a close up of the funny little green key I made! Tim Holtz makes the coolest things for us to fix up our own way!
Happy Hump Day peeps! We're creeping towards our long weekend now...
Tuesday, May 21, 2013
Sexy Layout Or Alternate Title: Where Did Your Sidewalk Go?
First up, a song to get you into the mood of where my head was with this title.
Oh come on. Everyone loves a little country....besides, you can see how I dress when I'm helping with projects around our house involving the Kubota. but for the record, I wear a ball cap, not a cowboy hat...and I totally dirty dance with THE MAN all the time during chores! (snort!)
FOR THE RECORD, we thought we'd have to rent a jackhammer and there was no way we'd get out these steps this easy. So it was pleasing to see it peel up like that.
And here is one more showing the view across the page.
AND, one last photo of the end result which is pretty bare looking. Working on concrete tonight provided the rain holds off!
Happy Tuesday!
Monday, May 20, 2013
5 Minute Linda Layout for Bird is the Word & Scrap4Help
I made this page for Bird is the Word. Their new releases for the month are: HE | SHE | HIM | HER.
I saw their challenge and specifically made this page. I have had that photo on my desktop for several months in the theory I would blog/scrap about it. Love when a challenge inspires me to get off my buttinsky!
I have been consciously collecting photos around the North Country of things that are exclusive to here.
Five Minute Linda is very exclusive to Potsdam and widely known. She also has a very interesting story...but I'll get into that in a bit. Her name comes from a $5 hair cut in five minutes. And that is with some chatting even! Of course, there is only ONE haircut she knows...and you might have to even up things yourself....boys haircuts are only $3.
I'd say she cuts the hair of 95 % of all North Country men and boys. I have nothing to base my math on, except that everyone knows her and she is cheap. Cheap is something people are real fond of here...and quick is also good!
Here is a close up of the vintage flower I made. I had one solo cloth napkin hanging around and cut a few flower shapes out of it along with some vintage book pages. I like how it looks old against the bright colors plus I can link it up with the Scrap4Help blog where their challenge is to use a napkin.
AND....that story I promised you about Five Minute Linda...her name by the way, is not something I came up with. She is referred to that throughout the North Country.
Word on the street is that her current husband wanted a divorce. Evidently it was amicable enough that he spent the winter working on her new digs up the road and while she was still living at the house, invited the girl friend and her kids to move in. NOW THAT is working nicely together. ;-) Of course, that is all rumor, but it was the hot topic prior to my new Heifer neighbors....
Happy Monday!
Friday, May 17, 2013
Noisy Neighbors in the 'Hood
Met them recently on a walk. They followed us. It was a bit odd.
Well, they are baby heifers, so I suppose we can give them the benefit of the doubt.
I am told there are two girls and one boy.
I did not check. Thought looking at their pee pees kinda personal. I leave those tasks to THE MAN who knows what to look for...he started to say look....the one with the hanging down thing...and I sshhhed him. I mean really. What if we embarrassed Curley?
I named them. The boy is Curley and the two girls are Thelma & Louise.
Imagine my disappointment to find out the small person who lives in the house that owns the heifers has already named Curley.
He is Sir Loin. I heard one of the girl heifers is called Soup which had me confused until THE MAN said, well like Beef & Barley Soup? It's just too long so she shorted it to Soup.
OK, lets give Alexia some credit here, those are damn good names when you are keeping in mind your baby heifer will someday be on your plate or in a bowl....
So, the news on the street is that these heifers are trespassing.
We met up with our neighbor Joe on the same walk and mentioned our new neighbors.
He does not use a cell phone or Facebook or any other social network device despite the fact he is a lot younger than me. BUT, he always has the SCOOP.
Their fence got placed across the stream in numerous places so they can get water. Property line goes to the center line of the stream so some peeps are a bit grouchy.
Perhaps after they go to the butcher and some white packages arrive to sooth the pain....Steak always cheers me up....
Happy Friday!
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
My Happy Place: FORREST layout for Another Freaking Scrappy
It's reveal day over at Another Freakin'.....what fun. That team is ROCK STAR with their layouts!
Here is our super simple sketch!
I made mine to celebrate a BIG DAY for my dog Forrest.
He was invited to Doggy De-stress Day over at Potsdam State College.
The brain child of Marissa, a friend of our bestest babysitters Chelsea and Heather, he got the benefit of an invite.
(Let me tell you a secret....FORREST is very fond of girls and was all sorts of showing off for the crew that came to pick him up)
He had a blast! Of course, that night he was so tired he had to lay down to eat dinner, the poor baby!
Just a little side view of my page and those delicious lime green feathers that were previously earrings I scored at the second hand store.
Here is a close up of them and my dog paw flower with the orange trim! Love it!
Now it does seem odd to wish you a Happy Hump Day when I am posting a dog layout...
Tuesday, May 14, 2013
Lego Robotics Page for Miracles Momma Designs
I am a bit conflicted over this page. I used my Silly Machine to cut the letters on the bottom and then didn't place them centered...which is a direct result of using spray adhesive vs stickers you can move...and did not get many photos at all due to fast moving excited boy and my inabilities to know what the heck I was even looking at...
HOWEVER, it is done and slightly off kilter funky-ish, so I am running with it. ;-)
Now the sketch on the other hand, rock star quality! Thanks for another good one, Heather over at Miracles Momma Designs!
A small peek at my journaling. I could have written a whole lot. Like Julie and Luke were on deck the whole time controlling the robot controller, and that he was the one the lady in charge said was "carrying the team" and that he got to program for the first time and how cool that was....but.......
I hate to sound braggy....
In this particular case, Luke will shine as my technical smart boy is always trying to figure out how to make something work. I am SO looking forward to next year.
Here is a shot of my crooked silly letters and also the robot controller fussy cut on the side. I noticed as I cut it out that Lucas and Julia are on the digital read out. So cool. I have also been hoarding those Lego brads for AGES and finally got to use them up. LOVE THEM TOO!
Just a quick little side view on my page! Happy Tuesday!
Monday, May 13, 2013
Keep Your Eye Out for Fugly
I recently spent a whopping $.75 at a second hand store the other day. Got myself three fancy dancy plastic doilies. Well, I got MYSELF one and two for friends. Would have gotten more, but they only had three.
Sorry for the blurry photo. I took the photo with my phone and I think the flowers upset the camera violently. The pen is thrown in there for scale so you can see that these doilies are not SMALL by a long shot. They cover a 12 by 12 sheet of paper nicely.
You know who you are Miss Lizzy Hill and Helen, these bad boys are heading your way. Scrap peeps that made good use of the LAST plastic doilies I forced them to take. ;-)
I shoved those ancient doilies in hot water almost as soon as I walked in the door and tried not to think of how ugly the flowers were.
Interestingly enough when I removed the ugly flowers, they were pretty all on their own I have tucked them away for possible Christmas projects....the yellow part went in the garbage, but if I can use them, 24 nearly free poinsettias aren't bad...and the foliage looks interesting too...
Now, you might be wondering what one does with a plastic doily.
I have used the ones I have A LOT. Here is what this doily looks like with plaster (you can use a credit card to spread it out) and also some mist. The plaster is pink there but will dry white and ready for mists or also sands nicely. I always throw some clear spray on mine but I think it is just fine without it.
So, keep your eye ball out for non-conventional items you can convert to your scrappy purposes.
Disclaimer on the title: THE MAN uses the word FUGLY all the time. I just googled it so make sure I knew FOR SURE what it meant....two different definitions came up...Free and Ugly, which almost fits....and can read urban dictionary's version....
Happy Monday!
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