Interestingly enough, my bff is meeting me tonight and we are doing a scrap page together. Well, I've made her a kit. I think she needs a page of layers. Poor thing. I have packed my hot glue gun. We are also using a sketch (see the one below), but mostly because I think she'll enjoy it...and it's a great sketch. One thing I love about the blogging community is the free free free aspect!
And I have tucked in a few goodies from a package sent to me from Helen, who ROCKS!! Oh my, the fun I had ripping it open. So from far away a few scrapooking goodies will come to rest on a page I am sharing. It's just all good.

I did want to share a quick page with you.
This is the second page of a two page layout my friend Marilyn made for me.
I blogged about it earlier. Can't find it to link it here. I have made a new resolution to myself. Only use titles that describe the post. Yeah, don't hold me to it. Prob not going to really happen, but it's a nice thought.
So, this page was finally completed the other day. I had spent a few days with my aunt from Cali in Lake George NY and asked her nicely to write my journalling. When I was in highschool, I spent a summer in Paris with my Aunt and Uncle. The photos weren't amazing, but printed smaller, not so bad. I liked hearing the story from her aspect. I think if you want to give reading the journalling a whirl, you can just click on the page and it will enlarge. So, it's neat to have her handwriting, my addition which was the two little frames on the side, and then Marilyn's base scrapbooking to enjoy. It's kinda what scrappin' is all about. Plus, both sisters (My Mom and her) poured over my Mom's album from Paris, so that was very cool too.
See ya in a few days!