Friday, September 30, 2011

WINNER: 'Lil Love Canvases for Bird is the Word

UPDATE 09/30/2011:

Remember I said I was doing a little drawing! Comment 6 and Cathy won!

Please e-mail me your addy and I'll pop them in the mail to you.



Oh what fun these little guys were! Such joy from a piece of paper! Spotted these little itty bitty easels in Walmart and HAD to have them. No idea what I was going to do with them. Good thing I stumbled on the Bird is the Word Challenge! Their word this time 'round is LOVE, perfect for my little canvases!

The paper was on in my stash from American Crafts and as much as it pained me to cut into it, I had so much fun popping out the little hearts and my huge bottle cap O!

So, I have been extremely lucky this week! Won stuff on the Tink's Blog (go check her out, in particular her page that she made for the Color Combo Galore's Challenge which I LOVE, several posts down so scroll just a wee bit). Also won stuff on Yvonne's Blog too, which you should also totally check out. She uses the most awesome colors, very vibrant and is big on altered items.

I need to pass some of this love around! These can be yours! I'm going to leave this open for a bit, since I know the Bird is the Word girls will be by to check these out. Just leave me a comment and when their contest is over (it runs for a month) I will draw a name. Tell me what you "love" as in the little things. Do you love some new soft velvet flowers? Or does a coconut coffee brought over from the neighbor make you happy?


  1. Mitra, these are just the cutest things. I love them. What a great little gift for a special friend.

  2. Congrats on all the goodies!! That's AWESOME! And loveeeeeeeeeeee those canvases!!! Soooooooo BEAUTIFUL! :):):):):):):):):):):)

  3. Wow, these are stunning, I love a cup of tea on my swing bench in the garden on a sunny day, thanks for the blog mention, so kind, take care, have a great weekend and congrats on winning elsewhere to, must have been your week, bye x

  4. Really sweet canvases, love what you did with them!

  5. Oh my goodness you naughty girl - why didn't you tell me to check out your blog?!? These little beauties are total awesomeness & I absolutely LOVE (pardon the pun!) them & you will most certainly be getting a big vote from me on these beauties this month - such a seriously cute idea! As much as I love these don't include me in the running as I already have some awesomeness making it's way over the seas from you as we speak so I want some other lucky girl to benefit from these beauties! Thanks for playing at Bird is the Word & for making such a cool altered art project. Hope Lessology are taking note of your skills in this department!

  6. WOW Mitra how gorgeous are your little canvases.. such a creative idea!! Thanks for playing along at BITW :))

  7. I love seeing something different!Beautiful canvases! Thanks so much for playing at Bird is the Word!!!

  8. Gorgeous and them...thanks for playing at BITW

  9. I finally made it back here..thanks for visiting my blog and leaving me a nice comment. I really love what you've done! Very creative! Gorgeous work! Thanks again for joining BiTW.

  10. These are so so gorgeous!!!! It's lovely to see an OTP project at BITW - thanks for playing along!!

  11. oh these are lovely! Thanks for joining in xoxo

  12. Love, love, love these canvases! Just beautiful!

  13. Mitralee!!!!!!!!
    These are stunning!
    I love what you did I have a little canvas somewhere you have inspired me to do something with them now!
    thank you......

  14. Your little canvases are awesome!! I love them. Congrats on your wins over at Tink and Yvonne's blogs...that's so exciting! :)


I LOVE comments. Come on. Leave me one. They make me smile!
