Monday, January 15, 2018

Ghosts, Flapjacks, and Other White Stuff

We headed into the weekend giddy with laughter for two reasons. The first being that we had a big snow coming and virtually all weekend plans screeched to hault. People know their limitations here in the Twin Tiers and cancel things before the first snow flake even falls. This meant I could spend some time with some recently received art supplies and make a mess! Happy Dance!

THE MAN was pleased because then he could play with the tractor a whole lot. (Yes the bird feeders were empty. They are now filled due to the blue jays that kept looking in our windows and menacing us for seed). The other reason I was laughing was due to an early morning Friday meeting at Arbor Housing. I had spotted this post on Facebook the night before and been preparing helpful suggestions.

Our local Habitat for Humanity collaborates with Arbor. They are the big dog in town and do a lot to help the local community from home repair, low-income housing, and in this case, assisting with taking down an old school that couldn't be saved & replace with market rate houses. The fact they were dealing with ghosts was a first for me. After the fifth ghost buster joke, they still weren't laughing which didn't stop us. We then resorted to using the word ghost as many times in conversation as possible for good measure. Us Habitat peeps know how to have a good time unlike those uptight peeps at Arbor. Besides, better them than us.

In other ghostly news, we got Luke's award that he received from Harris Hill. The dude the reward was named after happens to be Gross, although we had a lot of theories on what exactly what a Gross Sky Ghost would look like. Let's not ask Arbor, they seemed to be lacking in imagination....

Pancakes are fun aren't they! Luke's school had a fundraiser and we all got up early to head down to have some hot flapjacks and bacon. It was a nice start to Sunday. The snow was pretty much cleared and I had done enough chores to spend some time playing with my goodies from The Funkie Junkie! I'll be back with a post about that tomorrow!

Happy Monday!

1 comment:

  1. The only thing I miss about snow was the reason to just stay in and not feel like I should be going somewhere or doing something... but I found it's easy enough to do that on a sunny! I've gotten pretty good at it. And pancakes sound pretty good right now...


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