Saturday, June 15, 2013

Mitza Pitza Stamp for the Quirks and Onion Challenge

Long ago in a galaxy far far away, I audited a Photoshop Class at a local college.

It was one of those in between times in life. I was very preggers for Luke and laid off due to massive downsizing at the company I worked for.

The dude teaching the class said the kids would benefit from an older person taking the class and talking about real life. I didn't like the older person comment, but it was free!

Interestingly enough, that class led to my next job and my current career, but that isn't a story for now.

Anyhow, I haven't used those skills in quite some time.

The Onion (aka Sue) and Quirks (aka Lisa) Challenge #4 involves drawing your own focal image/sentiment.

I am hoping they used the word "draw" in a more figurative way. 

I did START with a pencil drawing. 

In fact, I cut the banner and letters out with my SILLY and traced them. More cheating! ;-)

Then I got the idea to use a real stamp. Downloaded a trial of Photoshop 6 and borrowed an image of a real engineering seal I loved and spent 14 trillion hours editing out the name and signature.

Keep in mind my industry involves a lot of stamping and design.

Which makes it sound real cool, but it has nothing to do with the BEST kinds of stamping or designing.....

Here is the base to my stamp above. Feel free to use these for WHATEVER you might want to use them for. It's always nice to be a PROFESSIONAL. ;-)

If you are a Photoshopper or want to play around in Word, let me give you some cool links.

First off, I read FOOLISH FIRE's post on faking a chalk board background in Photoshop and used the graphics that were provided.

I went to the Graphic Fairy and used her free banner image.

Also downloaded free chalk board fonts from here called Return to Sender. Word to the Wise, be careful with free and make sure you click the font bottom on the side not the other huge one at the top that downloads a boat load of crap to your pc...

AND you say, but WHAT does this stamp mean and all that jazz?

Well you see the The Onion (aka Sue) and Quirks (aka Lisa) Challenge involves getting your mojo back.

Sometimes the biggest thief of Mojo is overbooking and not paying yourself first! 

So, it's my way of reminding myself to watch out for Pratt Inc. My family, myself, etc. Creativity is then allowed when all these other things aren't barking at you!

I cannot claim credit for the idea though. My bff Kristy from down south always said:  Hey are you up for (insert fun thing here) and then followed it with, but don't commit if it doesn't work for Pratt Inc. It has further evolved to mean anything from job commitments to over active kids! 

Always nice to remind myself of what is MOST important! 


  1. You are so darned clever it's ALMOST annoying but of course, it's not - I'm just super impressed....can't understand most of what you're writing about but I DO understand the final product which is pretty neat. And yes, in the end, it's family that comes first:):) Without that/them, creativity is mute!!!! That chalkboard effect? WIZARD!!!

  2. Too clever and what a wonderful reminder! Love that your family is "incorporated"!

  3. Just amazingly clever and your creativity is so diverse, thanks for sharing this project.

  4. Cool! Mitra, you've got awesome skillz.

  5. Man - this is soo cool!! I love the chalkboard effect and it is so professional - I was wondering if you were for real starting a new business up - like you need more busyness in your life..

    Love it xx

  6. This looks amazing.. you are pretty clever to do all that I reckon.. and I think it would make a great blogger header too!!

  7. So maybe yelling, "HOLY CRAP!" in the car, while the hubby was driving, was not the best of decisions, but when I saw what you and Onion created this go around had my heart beating and my mind swirling. You two have just gone so above and beyond with your creativity. I am LOVING your creations and how you used the silly and your learned mad skills to create this one of a kind sentiment to live by. I think it's gorgeous and truly creative. No doubt, family does come first, but WOWEE, what a way to showcase it!! This would look awesome on a wall! :) You really should make these in vinyl.
    Kudos to you my friend...I love chalkboard paint or the concept of on anything!

  8. Hello Mitra
    Well I am impressed, this is soooo professional looking, like something you would see in the 30's. Great idea to use a chalkboard effect.Interesting that we (who profess a failure in drawing) have created art with our names!
    Great work Mitra, I love it.

  9. Super-COOL! Thanks for the reminder...Getting the balance right is such a tightrope act :)

  10. VERY cool! Clever photoshopping chickie!! Ooooh I've just seen the Eiffel tower & peacock feathers & strands on my counter too - forgot to mention those - LOVE!!!!


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