Monday, July 27, 2015

Fishes and Frocks

Early this spring we set up camping trips on alternate weekends. We figured we'd kill ourselves working on the new place if we didn't plan on getting out of dodge every now and then. Which of course doesn't mean the work is all done! We are getting close to wrappping up the sidewalk project into the back door. THE MAN did a little work on it on Friday before we hit the road for the Renaissance Fair in Sterling NY.

You can see my garden in full bloom and the new straw that is holding down grass seed. You can also see our side hill which is a project in itself. We have some plans for that as well that involve a bit more grading to make it easier to mow!

While we were at the Ren Fair, I picked out this lovely spitting fish for the water feature I think we should have by the back door. I mainly just took a picture of it and WISHED it was mine. I nearly have THE MAN convinced we should have a water feature, but not enough to add an expensive hand made fish to the equation. Although you must admit it's quite amazing!

And while I was wishing, I was thinking I'd look awesome in this green gown. Again passed that one by! Had to console myself with a turkey leg slathered in hot sauce, steak on a sword, and a slab of carrot cake! Still want the gown though!

We did buy some wine at the Ren Fair! Yummy stuff and I thought it was super cool my wine bottle matched my wine glass and my scrapbook pages! I'm alway in serach of the perfect picnic table and this one was the best! Nice & flat great for making a couple of layouts!

Today it's back to the grind of work with more sidewalk work to top it off in the evening. However, we have more camping planned so lots of weekends to look forward to! Happy Monday!


  1. That's a really good idea breaking the work with some trips....if it takes a couple more years....too bad, at least you'll have great family memories to look back on. Much better than flat surfaces to mow. SERIOUSLY!!! your little garden bed & that fish....imagine being able to control who you see coming up the path, & if you didn't want them knocking, you could push a button and the fish would spit at them! How FUN would THAT be???!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Love the work you have done, and I think the spitting fish needs to have a home there too!


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