Thursday, May 15, 2014

WORDS: Layout for Another Freakin Scrappy

Oh words, how I love you!

Just recently I was looking through a huge tote of random letters when I found a writing award I had won in sixth grade. No doubt there are others in there somewhere, as I recall getting one of those awards often. In fact, THE MAN who also was in my elementary school also got them often. We are freaks at dinner when we google the meaning of a word or make fun of the poor designer I work with who consistently writes rape it up instead of wrap it up. We are nerds about words. ;-)

I thought it would be fun to take Anne's latest sketch over at Another Freaking Scrappy and use my award on a page about reading, writing and dreaming. 

As kids, we don't realise what  luxury it is to be able to sit and read. I used to read for HOURS and HOURS, just ask my Dad who was always complaining that my head was in a book. 

These days I don't get much time to read. I try to behave and not escape or no one will have clean laundry or dinner!

I am able to read really quickly though and can write an entertaining email now and again so all that practising when I was little is not in vain!

Oh that ribbon makes me happy! As does that gesso & ink on the side. Just a smidge of multi-media on a simple page!

Hope you get a chance to play along with us!



  1. You two are WERD NERDS....!!!! I was /am tew.....& you're sooo right...but once those kidlets are off your hands, you'll find time again. We have now factored a trip to the library each week.....& that hasn't happened for YEARS!!! Anyways, have to ask----bg paper???? Does it come with all those different notepapers like that or is that a Mitra Special???? Looks great, eitherways...werks well for the werd nerd!!!! Oh, & BTW....I think you know me QUITE WELL, Miss Mitra:):)

  2. This looks fabulous! the ribbon is great.. and I love the dreamy photo, you look like Dorothy from the wizard of oz.. and I used to love to read.. I have had kids that love to read.. you are never bored if you have something to read I reckon! Have a lovely weekend!


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