Monday, August 19, 2013

Woodland Fairy Inspired Milk Cartons from The Cutting Cafe

Hey there blog land!

Exciting times over here! I am hanging out with the designers over at THE CUTTING CAFE these days! What a cool group too!

I used a very cool cutting file called HALLOWEEN - FALL MILK CARTON to make these fairy garden inspired projects. 

There are six shapes to choose from that come along with this milk carton. I chose the leaf shape as I was going with my fairy theme!

I will tell you a secret. You don't need to have a cutting machine to cut out these files! I cut the brown one out by hand! It actually went a lot faster by hand than the one I made on my Silhouette! And took about five minutes or less! It comes in a nice little downloadable PDF file that can be printed out at any scale on your printer over your patterned paper and then cut out.

I then carefully folded the carton and ran it through an embossing machine to get the wood grain texture.

I also reused the leaf shape a leaf! Do you see it there under my rose at the top?

The smaller green milk carton was cut on my Silhouette and then covered in metal tape, embossed in an embossing folder and then colored with alcohol ink. It was nice that I had cut it out with the machine though as the edges with the tape folded easier I think than one cut by hand.

My kids are getting too big to take treats in to their class (or so they tell me) so this project was designed for adding a small gift for a good friend. I just punched two holes at the top and tied off with some gauze. Easy peasy!

A small shout out to Ignacio over at Nicecrane Designs as I used one of his images!

Happy Monday!


  1. Amazing project,,,,,Mitra,,,,,love the vibrant colors, and all over your creativity, it is first time I am watching these stunning milk cartons,,,,love them,,,,,,,and thanks for using my colorful pict,,,,,You are Rock,,,,,,my friend.

  2. absolutely STUNNING........i can't hardly wait to share you work with the Cafe readers....hugs

  3. Sensational.... Love that wood grain texture you've got going:))) have to check out the cutting blog:):)

  4. I've got to show this to Daisy when she comes down. I love, love, love it and so will she. She's cleared a shelf ready for her fairy collection which she started when we were away with the cutest little fairy called Gelda. These would make the perfect house for her. That woodgrain is perfect!

  5. you are so clever! Your creativity amazes and inspires me, these look wonderful, and I never would have thought they were reused milk cartons.. well done, they look magical!

  6. Whoot Whoot!!!! And again, sneak peeks NEVER do your stuff justice. Suppose that's why it's a sneak, but still... With the toadstool, totally makes it a fantastic trio. They are both so originally wonderful and I love that you combined Cutting Cafe with Ignacio and as always your own personal awesome touch!

  7. It looks like you had loads of fun creating these, love the embossing!!!

  8. Congrats on your new DT! Right up your street I see!! Awesome off the pagers!!!


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