Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Frank Page for Another Freaking Scrappy August 1st Challenge

So, while we were down in Corning, we hung out with our old neighbors who reminded us about the almost weekly visits my little Westie Frank made to their house.

I had forgotten about that.

He was old and cranky. The trail through the woods was pretty long. Yet the lure of making the yappers next door bark and getting a biscuit from Sara was such a temptation....He was rather fond of them, the yappers. They were right about his size and pretty little girl doggies who always pretended he didn't exist when meeting dog snout to dog snout unless of course he was traipsing across their lawn in which case they would bark their ever-loving little doggie brains out. Likely waking the baby....sigh.

One day he came home with a note hooked to his collar discussing the Pizza Dinner he shared with the family. WELL, at least he took the woods trail and didn't use the road. I believe he also used his manners and didn't snap at the hand feeding him pizza crusts.

It's a bit of a sad page as my little Frank passed over to Rainbow Bridge after we moved. My older timer died two years ago in August so it's a fitting page. Also works for the latest challenge at Another Freaking Scrappy.

Here is what Anne would like to see:

Scrap about a pet – I especially encourage you to scrap about one from your childhood or youth

If you have never owned a pet, then scrap about a favourite animal.

I do encourage you to do a page about a pet that has passed. It is healing a bit. 

This page I had lucked out and had that great shot of Frank walking away that one of my kids had taken. I used nearly a whole bottle of clear glimmermist to give it that almost dreamy crying texture. I used more photos of him along the side. The ones where he needed a trim are my favorite. We kept his hair short due to his ability to roll in dead things. Not that washing him was bad, but if he got into the grass while rolling he turned greenish. 

The little yellow rose there you see was planted in memorial. Sadly it didn't make our winter this year and I need to find another hardier yellow rose in the spring.

Here is my journaling so you don't get eye strain:

You have no idea how much I miss you in my heart, Frank. 

You were around in my life from my early apartment days at Beartown Road, three different moves, many dog buddies like Jaz and Forrest, and the birth of my two kids. I never imagined life without my ever present grouchy dog. 

And when I wrote grouchy, I kinda meant attitude. YOU know those dogs that think they are great dane size when really they are smaller than a soccer ball? That was Frank.

Anyhow, please check us out and play along if you can. We're a laid back bunch of girls!


  1. oh having lost quite a few pets over the years, this layout is really touching.. yes I understand totally about a grouchy dog, it is their personality! beautiful layout and yes doing a layout is good therapy, just have to make sure the tears dont drop on the page while I am doing it!

  2. Lo's on our beloved ones are so difficult to do. Everything about this is just beautiful!

  3. Gorgeous page and such a cute doggie. Love the photos and the great background effect. Beautiful. TFS!

  4. Wonderful page my Dear
    and a cute dog

  5. This has got my eyes brimming with tears...& now I see why you like Wally - he has a 'Frank-ness' about him....awww, they're sooo special, our doggies, but some more than others. I would've liked to meet Frank. Even the name has a certain 'tude' about it!!!! GREAT page. He's a gorgeous looking wee doggie. Sigh! Going to give Wally a cuddle, right now...when i get outta over. YAY!!!!!

  6. this is gorgeous and the doggie is adorable you will always have this in your memory isn't this what scrapbooking is all about!

  7. He was adorable! Beautiful homage to your loved one!!

  8. Such a wonderful, heartfelt page! I got a little teary eyed looking at that sweet pic your kids took. The soft background is perfect for the mood of the page and your pictures (and the story) are wonderful!

  9. Aaaw so sad! Frakie sounds adorable!! Love your page & the effect of that glimmermist is fabulous...

  10. OMG, so cute,,,,,,little dog,,, love it,,,,, love it,, I had a cooker

  11. Wow - great technique using the enlarged photo, this is so effective.

  12. This is such a sweet page as are the pictures.

  13. Wow! This was never in my email. I went onto your blog to show Ben the layout you sent me comments on b/c that one wasn't in my email either. And all the comments were talking about this 'great catch' and I was confussed.
    Anyhow... I really LOVE the photos of Frank. Makes me miss him too. I thought of him a lot when we were up there. Dogs are all great. I have to say I love my little dogs. Willow is so reminscent of Sassy and she makes me smile a lot. They become a huge part of your life... and I know how much he is in your heart. Love you. Jennifer


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